Brexit and the Unthinkable Materializing

The sit-in is over (and there is no bill and indeed a break), Donald Trump is introducing conversations on faith into the race, and George Will is no longer a Republican. As if that's not enough, the UK voted to leave the European Union.  We talk about it all and what it means for our politics and our polling here in the States.  In The Heels, we talk about summer movies, the trailer for Hillary Clinton's America, and what is happening in our national political dialogue. 

Show Notes: 

The End of No Bill, No Break

The People Who Made the Sit-In Happen

Poliquin - Cain

George Will Is No Longer a Republican

How David Cameron Blew It

An Overview of Brexit

What Does Brexit Mean? 

Article 50 

Brexit and Europe's Angry Old Men


Beth Silvers