Episode of the Year: What You Need to Know about Abortion Law

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After polling our listeners, you have selected our 2019 Episode of the Year! Today, we're replaying our policy set from May about abortion law. You'll hear our Five Things You Need to Know About Abortion Law followed by our conversation about the complexities and nuances surrounding this issue.

Thanks to everyone who voted; we know abortion is a tough topic, so it speaks well of our community that you all were and continue to be so ready to engage with it. 

Five Things to Know About Abortion Law:

  1. Abortion has a long emotional history in the US that Roe vs. Wade didn't stop.

  2. Ohio, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Georgia have passed "heart beat bills".

  3. Heartbeat bills and outright bans on abortion in all circumstances are surging in popularity, despite the fact that public opinion is largely more nuanced about abortion.

  4. Stare decisions recently took a hit on the Supreme Court. 

  5. Kentucky's law has already been struck down in court. Mississippi and Ohio's are already being challenged. Georgia and Alabama laws are also expected to be challenged.


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Resources on Abortion Law: